Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Back in NZ - Final Prep Begins!

Apparently I WAS doing it wrong! So, I have finally arrived back in NZ and commenced my final preparations in earnest.
Walking - I've been putting in a few miles and toughening my feet up... and printed out the maps. That was sobering and exciting!
There are 141 A4-size maps, 1:50,000 scale. This is the overview of the route:

Gear - here's the final selection (less the dog, and the clothing I will be wearing):

And much to my parent's amusement, I've been sleeping outdoors rather than the spare bedroom (yes, I sold my house, moved back home.. thanks Mum!). This has really helped me acclimatise, reassured me that my gear will work to at least 0 degrees in wind and rain, and I also got to enjoy the sound of tuis and moreporks from my hammock! Boy, did I miss the sounds of NZ.

Wow, I start travelling North to Cape Reinga early next week! I'm absolutely buzzing about it, and very thankful that my work has given me the time to do this. They have been really supportive, as have complete strangers, friends and family. It's all very humbling. I had a good chat with Malcolm at Shine, and he updated me on some of their programmes - in particular the KIDshine programme which is such great work and a very worthwhile cause. More on this soon! I'd better get back to some hammock hang time :-)


  1. Pat - I've just discovered your awesome plan. JEALOUS!

    This is also on my to-do list, so I guess I'll be picking your brains one day.

    Have you had any thoughts about anyone else sharing parts of the journey with you? If you're open to this, I'd feel privileged joining you for a day or two when you are down this way.

    When do you expect to be in the Lewis Pass - Arthurs Pass region?

    Tread easily.


  2. hope you don't have to carry the dog in your backpack Sir. Good luck Sir.

    Bill the pharmacist.

  3. Hi Pat, snap! I am starting next week too. Good chance we may or may not see each other. I wish you all the best.
    Cool dog:-)
